Iranian American Society of New York


Help us with the search for a new IASNY Cultural Center

IASNYDear Fellow Iranians,

The Iranian American Society of New York (IAS) is pleased to introduce to our community, the IAS Cultural Center. IAS is a non-for-profit, non-political, non-religious independent tax-exempt society established in 1982. Throughout the years, we have managed to grow, help those in need internationally, and kept our unique culture alive. The goal of this society, in addition to the promotion of the Persian language, culture and the long heritage of Iran, is protecting the welfare of Iranian-Americans and their families and to encourage them to get involved in social, cultural, and community activities. IAS is most proud of its two Ferdowsi Farsi schools, located in Long Island and Westchester. Furthermore, IAS strives to create opportunities for introducing our rich culture to other ethnic and racial groups.

IASNYWe are aware of the many individual accomplishments of Iranians all over the world, particularly in the New York region. It is now time to bring these individual accomplishments together and to form a "real" community. The Iranian-Americans in the New York metropolitan area are now in dire need of bringing their cultural, humanitarian, and social activities under one roof, a Cultural Center for the Iranian community for the greater New York region. To achieve this objective, the society is searching for a location for an IAS Cultural Center and has adopted this as priority number one. The designated members of the Society are actively looking for this suitable center.

Volunteer efforts and contributions from every single Iranian and interested non-Iranian individuals and organizations are welcomed. To achieve this goal the society strongly relies on and urges ALL of you to support this great cause and to give donations, in any denomination, which will be designated for the IAS Cultural Center.


ALL donations to IAS are tax-deductible. For more information and to donate to the society, particularly for the IAS Cultural Center, please visit our other pages on this website, or call (516)773-0720, or write to IAS at P.O. Box 306, Greenvale, New York 11548. You may also make donations online by utilizing our donation button in the lower right corner of this page.

We always welcome your comments and ideas, therefore feel free to contact us.

Sincerely Yours,

IAS New York, Inc.
Board of Directors

IAS New York
P.O. Box 306
Greenvale, NY 11548
Phone: (866) 767-6498
Support IASNY with a
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